SSI linked Off-Chain Storage

All data written to our distributed Off-Chain Storage is always fully encrypted. The random encryption keys can automatically be linked to a Self-Sovereign Identity. It is still suggested that never clear text data is submitted to those functions.


The function Save2DistributedFileStorage is part of the Off-Chain Namespace and requires five input parameters:

Data: Your data to be stored Off-Chain. Ideally data is never in clear text.

FileID: Your given FileID. Must be unique per SSI.

ChainAddress: Blockchain address of private key to be used to to save data. This address must be registered in the SSI as owner or manager (purpose 1).

SSIAddress: Chain Address of the Self-Sovereign Identity the random encryption key is attached to.

Password: Password to unlock the private key on the server.


The function GetFromDistributedFileStorage is part of the Off-Chain Namespace and requires two input parameters:

FileID: Your given FileID. Must be unique per SSI.

SSIAddress: Chain Address of the Self-Sovereign Identity the random encryption key is attached to.