Passwordless Authentication Meets Nextcloud: Exploring CodeB TOTP SMS Android App

The CodeB TOTP SMS Android App is more than your standard messaging app. It’s a dynamic mobile solution that effortlessly transitions between various roles, such as generating Time-Based One-Time Passwords (TOTP) and signing documents, among other capabilities. As it changes roles, the app maintains the highest level of security, setting it apart from traditional SMS … Read more

Unlocking WordPress Security: Embrace Passwordless Authentication with CodeB TOTP SMS Android App

The CodeB TOTP SMS Android App goes beyond being a typical messaging app. It’s an all-inclusive mobile tool that effortlessly switches between multiple roles, such as a Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) generator and a Document Signer, among others. This versatility doesn’t compromise its security – the app adheres to stringent safety standards, making it stand … Read more

Your Phone, Your Identity: Unveiling CodeB’s Next-Gen Authentication Solution

OpenID Connect (OIDC) emerges as a cutting-edge authentication protocol, artfully designed atop the OAuth 2.0 authorization framework. This ingenious protocol enables computational platforms to affirm the identity of an end-user, a task performed impeccably by an authorization server. Furthermore, it facilitates the management of crucial user profile information in a compatible and REST-like manner. Technically … Read more

CodeB Discussion Forum

Introducing the CodeB Discussion Forum: Your Go-to Spot for All Things SMS and CodeB TOTP SMS App We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new Discussion Forum ( – a vibrant platform that will serve as a safe haven for dialogue on a wide array of topics related to SMS, SMS scams, SMS spam, … Read more