Pioneering the Implementation of CAMARA APIs

CodeB, a leading entity in the realm of identity solutions, has successfully implemented the first three APIs from CAMARA, a project under the Linux Foundation, aimed at defining, developing, and testing APIs to simplify telco network complexity. CAMARA, with its open-source approach, works in close collaboration with the GSMA Operator Platform Group to align API … Read more

Enhancing Security in Legacy Applications through 2FA, SSO, and Passwordless Authentication with CodeB Solutions

In today’s evolving security environment, organizations are on a constant quest for innovative solutions to secure their systems and data. Legacy applications, pivotal in sectors like healthcare, finance, government, and manufacturing, may be secure and reliable but often have inherent limitations in integrating modern authentication methods such as Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). … Read more

Adding 2FA and SSO to Legacy Applications

Legacy applications, often integral to operations in sectors like healthcare, finance, government, and manufacturing, are software structured for older platforms or those not web-enabled, and they pose significant security risks due to their outdated nature. These applications, while serving their specific utility effectively, are usually not upgraded frequently, leaving them vulnerable to security breaches. The … Read more

Passwortloses Anmelden bei Windows

In der digitalen Ära hat Sicherheit oberste Priorität. Angesichts der zunehmenden Cyber-Bedrohungen suchen Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen ständig nach sichereren Methoden, um ihre Daten und Systeme zu schützen. Eine solche Methode, die in den letzten Jahren an Bedeutung gewonnen hat, ist das passwortlose Anmelden. Dieser Artikel geht auf die Feinheiten des passwortlosen Anmeldens, seine Vorteile und … Read more

CodeB Authenticator: A New Era of Web Authentication

In the vast world of digital connectivity, the way users access online platforms has seen significant evolution. Social logon buttons, which allow users to sign in using their social media credentials, have been at the forefront of this change. However, while they offer convenience, they also come with a set of challenges. The CodeB Authenticator, … Read more